Search Suggest

Post Configuration of request tracker (RT) [Part 2/2]

-> is main configuration file, must be configure properly.Edit /opt/rt4/etc/ to configure your site-specific settings. Here's what I used:
Set($rtname , 'geek');

Set($Organization , "uiuc");
Set($Timezone , 'US/Central');

Set($DatabaseType , 'mysql');
Set($DatabaseHost , 'localhost');
Set($DatabaseRTHost , 'localhost');
Set($DatabasePort , '');
Set($DatabaseUser , 'XXXXXXXX');
Set($DatabasePassword , 'YYYYYYYY');
Set($WebPath , "/rt");
#Set($WebDomain, "hostname");

Set($WebPath , "/rt");
Set($WebPort , 80);# + ($< * 7274) % 32766 + ($< && 1024));
Set($WebBaseURL , "$WebPort");
Set($WebURL , $WebBaseURL . $WebPath . "/");

Set($OwnerEmail , 'xxxxx@xxxx.xxxx');

Set($RTAddressRegexp , '^rt\$');
Set($CorrespondAddress , '');
Set($CommentAddress , '');

# special solaris fix that took too long to figure out
@LogToSyslogConf = ( socket => 'inet' );


Now Test file syntax :
# perl -c /path/to/your/etc/ 

-> Fetchmail mail from user mail box in rt as a make tickets

Follow this link: (In this blog)

-> Automatic marge same subject tickets in RT (2 Method)

1. Using SQL database Querys

# vim /root/automergetickets.sq

update Tickets t1 set
(select min(
from Tickets_temp t2
where if(substr(t2.Subject,1,4)='Re: ',substr(t2.Subject,5),
t2.Subject)=if(substr(t2.Subject,1,4)='Re: ',substr(t2.Subject,5),t2.Subject)
where if(substr(t2.Subject,1,4)='Re: ',substr(t2.Subject,5),
t2.Subject)=(SELECT t3.Subject FROM Tickets_temp t3 GROUP BY
t3.Subject HAVING COUNT(id) > 1

Set query in crontab & merge tickets after execute this script.

2. Using Perl scripts

coming soon...

Reference Site :
prel & CPAN

User Manual


* IMP Add Ons for RT

1. Action: Linear Escalate:
LinearEscalate is a ScripAction that will move a ticket's priority from its initial priority to its final priority linearly as the ticket approaches its due date.

2. ActivityReports:
Helper routine for the various activity reports, to get the list of relevant transactions on each relevant ticket. Not yet used for Resolution* or TimeWorked reports.

3. JS Gantt :
Gantt charts are ubiquitous for project planning and management. This extension provides dynamically generated Gantt charts for any ticket search in RT using the date fields for each ticket. It also provides a Gantt chart for the dependencies of a ticket so you can see how your entire project fits together.

4. Calendar:
This RT extension provides a calendar view for your tickets and your reminders so you see when is your next due ticket. You can find it in the menu Search->Calendar.

There's a portlet to put on your home page (see Prefs/MyRT.html)

You can also enable ics (ICal) feeds for your default calendar and all your private searches in Prefs/Calendar.html. Authentication is magic number based so that you can give those feeds to other people.

5. Menubar User Tickets :
Adds an additional button and dropdown list box showing every enabled user to the top of the RT interface page. After selecting the required user from the list and clicking the show tickets button query results will be should in the normal manner.

6. Quick Calls :
Quickly create tickets in specific queues with default values

7. Workflow Builder :
Helper for configuring approval workflow in RT

Done :)

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