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How to remove Import/Export feature from Zimbra webmail

You will be require sometime to remove import/Export feature from user account. You can modify this settings from on Account and COS label.

Remove Import/Export feature from account
Remove Import Feature
$ zmprov ma zimbraFeatureImportFolderEnabled FALSE

Remove Export Feature
$ zmprov ma zimbraFeatureExportFolderEnabled FALSE

Modifying feature from COS it will apply on all account. But you can enable this feature if you require Import/Export feature in specific account.

Remove from COS
$ zmprov mc COS_Name Attribute_name FALSE/TRUE
Remove Import
$ zmprov mc default zimbraFeatureImportFolderEnabled FALSE
Remove Export
$ zmprov mc default zimbraFeatureExportFolderEnabled FALSE

Now check the feature , it removed.

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