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Open Websites In A Floating, Borderless Window With Pennywise

Pennywise load website in floating window

Pennywise is a cross-platform application to open websites or local media in a floating window that stays on top of other windows, somewhat similar to the Picture-in-Picture feature available in some web browsers like Google Chrome, Vivaldi or Firefox Nightly, but with extra features.

The application, which uses Electron, allows you to load a website, be it a video or text tutorial, a music video on YouTube, watching your favorite streamer on Twitch, and so on, in an always on top window on which you can keep an eye on while doing other stuff, for easy multitasking.

Pennywise can be made borderless, and it can be set to Detached mode, which lets any interactions fall through to the window below it. The application has an option that allows changing its opacity too, but it only works on macOS and Windows; while not supported by Pennywise directly, this is also possible on Linux using the features available on some desktop environments (explained below).

Pennywise floating borderless window
Pennywise being used to watch a tutorial in a floating, always on top window

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