Search Suggest Shows Cheat Sheets On The Command Line Or In Your Code Editor Python example provides access to community-driven cheat sheets and snippets for Linux/UNIX commands and many programming languages, using various interfaces.

It can be used in a web browser, from the command line (using curl, or its dedicated command line client for Linux or Windows), and as a plugin for Vim, Emacs, Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text and IntelliJ Idea, so you can search and insert a code snippet without leaving the code editor / the command line.

For its cheat sheets, the tool makes use of community-driven sources like TLDR pages, Learn X in Y minutes, StackOverflow and others, as well as its own repository.

While it does have its own cheat sheet repository too, the project is actually concentrated around the creation of a unified mechanism to access well developed and maintained cheat sheet repositories.

The tool is developed by Igor Chubin, also known for its console-oriented weather forecast service, which can be used to retrieve the weather from the console using only cURL or Wget.

It's worth noting that is not new. In fact it had its initial commit around May, 2017, and is a very popular repository on GitHub. But I personally only came across it recently, and I found it very useful, so I figured there must be some Linux Uprising readers who are not aware of this cool gem.

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