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How To Edit PDF Metadata Tags On Linux Using A GUI Or Command Line

This article explains how to edit PDF metadata tags on Linux, using either a GUI or from the command line.

Edit PDF metadata tags on Linux using a GUI

To edit PDF metadata tags on Linux using a GUI we'll use Master PDF Editor or PDFMtEd. Why 2 tools? Because none of these two is even close to perfect in my opinion, so users should decide which best suits their needs. PDFMtEd is a bit weird to run and it uses the old Python 2, but it's lightweight and made using open source tools, while Master PDF Editor is a complete suite for editing PDF files, so it's pretty heavy on system resources, and it's not free and open source software either.

Using Master PDF Editor to edit PDF meta tags on Linux

Master PDF Editor is a proprietary application to edit PDF documents on Linux, Windows and macOS. It can create, edit (insert text or images), annotate, view, encrypt, and sign PDF documents. It also allows editing (and viewing) the following PDF metadata tags: Title, Subject, Author, Creator, Producer and Keywords.

Download Master PDF Editor by visiting its downloads page (it's available for CentOS, RedHat, and Ubuntu - I did not try to see if it runs on Debian).

It's worth nothing that with version 5, Master PDF editor has removed some features from its free to use version, like editing or adding text, inserting images and more, and for such features you need to buy the app or else it will add a watermark to your PDF documents. That's not the case for editing the PDF metadata though. Even so, there's also the alternative of using the last version of Master PDF Editor 4, which is free for non-commercial use with no restrictions.

Edit PDF metadata tags on Linux using Master PDF Editor

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