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scrcpy 1.11 Available For Download (View And Control Your Android Phone From A Linux, Windows Or macOS Desktop)

scrcpy 1.11 linux

scrcpy, a tool to control (and show) Android devices from a Linux, macOS or Windows desktop, was updated to version 1.11. This release includes support for touchscreens / multitouch, an option to set the initial window size and position (including support for launching scrcpy with a borderless window), along with other changes and some important bug fixes.

scrcpy is a free and open source tool to display and control Android devices from a desktop running Windows, Linux or macOS, via USB or wirelessly. The application is developed with low latency, high performance and quality in mind, and it requires Android 5.0 or newer to work.

For more about scrcpy, see Control Android Devices From A Desktop With scrcpy and the scrcpy project page.

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