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broot Is An Interactive Treeview Directory Navigation Tool For The Command Line


broot is an interactive command line tool written in Rust for navigating directories using a tree view and fuzzy search. It also incorporates a ncdu like disk usage mode.

The tool is inspired by the tree command (which is not interactively searchable though, and doesn't act as a launcher) and the excellent fzf command line fuzzy finder, allowing users to navigate to a directory and locate a particular file with the minimum amount of keystrokes.

It runs on Linux, macOS and Windows. There are some rough edges on Windows though - some things need fixing, and it's quite slow on Windows for now. It works great and it's very fast on Linux though (and I assume macOS, although I don't own a Mac so I didn't try it).

broot fuzzy search

To get started with broot, type br and you'll get a tree overview of a directory. Some items show under "unlisted" so the output is short and easy to navigate. Start typing the name of the directory you want to navigate to - the fuzzy search will filter the available directories, only listing those matching what you type (including those that may have been originally under "unlisted"). If you want to search with a regular expression, add a / before or after the pattern.

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